It’s getting to be that time of the year again, folks. This is the best time of year when all the ice cream parlors open once again. The first one reopened on March 1st: Dairy Queen in Lewes is back in business for the season. Whooohoooo!
We’ve been talking about the opening of Dairy Queen on our Villages at Herring Creek community Facebook page and now it looks like we also opened up a big can of worms. Everybody has a favorite ice cream store in the area. I’m no different, just a little less biased. I love them all! Ha.

Oliver enjoying some ice cream
The wife and I took the kids to Dairy Queen yesterday and we decided it’s like an unspoken tradition at the beach. I must say my creamy dessert was quite delicious. Banana Pie for my good self, banana pudding for the missus and vanilla with M&Ms for the son. Minnie had to miss out due to age but I’m sure she’ll be eagerly awaiting next season.
You might be asking yourself what the heck is different from Banana pie and pudding? You’ll be asking a very good question. Wafer in the pudding, crust in the pie but there’s a difference all right. The wife liked mine so much I had to swap! Happy wife = happy… day or two. Just kidding. I’m a content ice cream eater so didn’t mind swapping. Really I didn’t.
So what else is out there? Well there’s a whole host of stores and all with something different to offer.
Here’s my run down of the top ice cream stops at the beach:
- Kings Ice Cream, Lewes. Run’n Raisin is awesomeness.
- Two Dips, Lewes (over the bridge). Love the banana flavor.
- Archie’s Ice Cream, Rehoboth by Penny Lane Mall. Oliver’s favorite for Vanilla Cherry.
- Kohls Ice Cream, Rehoboth. The missus likes the pumpkin flavor from Kohls.
- The Ice Cream Store, Rehoboth. Right next to Candy Kitchen on the Boardwalk. Bacon flavor just because where else can you get bacon flavor?
Wherever you go, whatever you choose, ice cream is delicious and it tastes even more fantastic at the beach. When you buy a home with Schell Brothers at the beach I guess you get to enjoy it more than most. That’s something I’m very thankful for but the waistline isn’t! Oh well.