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When you join our list, you agree to receive email updates and promotions, as well as calls if you share your phone number.
Schell Brothers named 2023 Builder of the Year by PROBUILDER Magazine. Read the Article

Events to be announced.

Saturday June 17th 10am-5pm

Colonial demonstrations with the sheep, wool dying and spinning, lavender demonstrations, vendors, food trucks & kids’ activities. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased below. No tickets will be sold at the door.

Brittingham Farms 22518 Phillips Hill Road, Millsboro, DE 19966

Thursday Dec 8th 4-8pm

TADA Dancers will be performing excerpts from The Nutcracker in the Pavilion at 6pm. Lots of amazing Vendors, Christmas trees for sale, get pictures of the kids in a beautiful 1915 Vintage Sleigh or Ford 8N Tractor, hot coffee, gifts & more!

Brittingham Farms 22518 Phillips Hill Road, Millsboro, DE 19966

