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When you join our list, you agree to receive email updates and promotions, as well as calls if you share your phone number.
Schell Brothers named 2023 Builder of the Year by PROBUILDER Magazine. Read the Article
Nikki Gough

Hi, I’m
Nikki Gough!

Community Sales Associate


Growing up in Delaware, I always knew that this place was special, but I pictured myself eventually as a big city girl. I even picked a college where I could major in Music Business, because I knew I would ultimately move to NYC after graduation. It turns out that living in Manhattan fresh out of college is no easy feat, so I moved back to the beach for “one summer” to bartend and save money. Something happened that summer that I was not expecting; I realized everything I ever wanted was already right in front of me. Delaware, specifically Coastal Delaware, was unlike any place I had ever been, and it was the one place that felt like home. 

Fast forward a few years (ten to be exact) and I was still bartending. I loved hospitality and my ability to work with people day in and day out. I knew I wanted to continue working in customer service, but I wanted to use the knowledge I gained in the restaurant industry and learn a new craft. That is why I took on the challenge of selling BMWs. I loved everything about the cars and I took it very seriously, as we were constantly reminded that we were advising someone in the “second largest purchase” they will most likely ever make. Little did I know that one day I would get the chance to assist people in the largest purchase! One fateful day, a Schell Brothers truck pulled into the dealership, and I got to meet one of the Executives of the company. Selling that White 428xi Convertible was the most impactful sale of my life, because it got me an interview at Schell Brothers. 

So on February 22, 2016 I became a part of the Schell Brothers family. On August 22, 2016 I became a part of the Peninsula Lakes family. I am very grateful to have been working in this community when our first homeowners settled, and to watch this place grow into the magnificent community it is. There is an unmatched comradery at Peninsula Lakes and I am proud to be a part of it. Being the Community Sales Manager here brings me so much joy. Making my homeowners happy, makes me happy…and I get to feel that happiness every day

I look forward to meeting you, and getting to know you, and showing you how Coastal Delaware, Schell Brothers, and Peninsula Lakes can change your life!