We love our happy, fun-loving, innovative team here at Schell Brothers…so much so that we want YOU to hear what they have to say too! I’m grateful every day to work with these inspiring individuals, and can’t wait to share a bit of that with all of you in the Schell Scoop – a blog series in which several of our awesome employees will give thoughts or answers on a specific topic for each post. In the first one, we’re appropriately focusing on the New Year. Six team members were asked to think of one word that they want to define their 2019. And the answers are pretty remarkable. Read on to meet our team and see what they’re manifesting in the New Year!

Jamie Hudson, Director of Sales
“My word for 2019 is Spark. I believe in having a ‘spark,’ a passion for life and for the people around you who make you feel fulfilled and alive. That energy is contagious in the best possible way.”

Tyler Reinhart, Warranty Representative
“Infinite. – I’m getting married this year, building my new home, and celebrating my one year anniversary with Schell Brothers! The possibilities are infinite!”

Renee DeLeo, Executive Assistant
“One word to describe my 2019: Groundbreaking. This is going to be a groundbreaking year in my life because it will be full of many firsts and new adventures. The biggest ones include my wife and I’s first wedding anniversary and moving into our new home! I have no words to describe how pumped I am for the year ahead!”

Patrick Gallagher, Video Marketing Specialist
“Experience. I aim to experience new things – new places, new food, new adventures, new music. I also want to gain more experience professionally, perfecting old skills and taking on new ones.”

Amanda King, CAD Team Member
“Determination. – For me this is the year of determination. I am determined to work really hard. I am determined to inspire others to do better. I am determined to achieve my goals above and beyond what I anticipate. I am determined to not allow failure to discourage me and to keep on trying harder.”

John DiStefano, Construction Manager
“My word for this New Year is Healthy. It’s time for me to make a lifestyle change and start eating healthy and working out regularly. Sometimes all of that gets put to the side when life gets busy with a young family and work. But it will undoubtedly make me feel better while increasing my happiness… Let’s go!”